Actress Padmapriya and Archana Kavi won the best actress award, while Oscar Award winner Resul Pookutty was chosen for a special award. Veteran actor Madhu got an award for his contributions to Malayalam films. The awards were announced in Kollam by actor Kalpana, a committee member from the jury that selected the award winners.
Gokulam Gopalan is the best producer. M.G. Sreekumar is the best singer (male) and Gayatri the best singer (female). V.G. Muralikrishnan is the best supporting actor (male) and Rima Kallingal the best supporting actor (female).
Club president A. Sharafudeen said that the Rotaray District Governor K.S. Sasikumar had been selected for the best social welfare award and Nissar Syed for the best media award. The awards will be presented by Ministers P.K. Gurudasan and N.K. Premachandran at a function at the club grounds on February 10. Sathyan Memorial Film Awards are instituted in memory of late Malayalam actor Sathyan.
hi,,,, Congrates....
ReplyDeleteYour Biggesst Fan,
"Congratulations" Kindly post award functions photos here. Thanks.. Your desperated fans-
ReplyDeleteVidya, Vivek & Vikas